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Ride Leaders​
Parents, we need you!

For the safety of everyone involved, we are required to have 1 adult for every 6 riders at practices. With a team our size, that means we need a lot of help. Without enough ride leaders, practices may need to be cancelled, which is super LAME. Plus, riding with the team is a ton of fun!


no experience necessary

Trail riding experience is NOT required. We are happy to teach you everything we know about mountain biking. Ride leaders do NOT need to be cyclists or athletes, they just need to be patient, fun, and have a reasonable mountain bike in good condition. Don't feel intimidated, we group the riders into ability groups, which means you can come ride with us even if you don't have any mountain biking experience. Registered ride leaders also get discounts on bikes, helmets, and accessories from league sponsors.  


no kid on the team? no problem

Most ride leaders are parents, but if you have a friend who enjoys mountain biking and is dependable, they are welcome to join us!


league registration

A parent can participate in 1 practice without registering with the league to feel things out. After that, NOBODY can ride with the kids until they have registered with the league and passed the background check, even parents.  We cannot risk the safety of our kids by allowing adults to continue to ride without completing these steps. Registration is easy and we'll guide you along the way. If you have questions, please reach out to one of the coaches.


yes, I Would Like to Help

If you would like to volunteer to be a Ride Leader or need more information, please email your team leadership.

Springville -

Maple Mountain -

Spanish Fork -

Salem Hills -

Payson -

Coach Training packet

Race day volunteers​

Race day volunteers make our events a success and volunteering is both fun and rewarding. The EXPECTATION is that every parent/guardian will volunteer for the league at least ONCE per student per season. The league needs over 150 volunteers at each race to provide an awesome experience to all the student athletes!



Race Day Volunteer
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